Can engineers fix the world?

Going forward

Going forward


Must-see and read

Sciences Po

GDP or CO2 , we need to choose, 2019

In this conference given to students at the Paris Institute of Political Studies, energy and climate expert Jean-Marc Jancovici presents energy transition in simple words, but never simplistic terms.

See the video

Tomorrow's engineers, 2017

This documentary was filmed by students at INSA Lyon and offers a snapshot of the issues in the 21st century and the aspirations harboured by the new generations of engineers.

See the video

Ingénieur pour demain

Tomorrow, 2015

A road movie-cum-documentary in five chapters for understanding global warming and delivering tangible solutions. Produced by Cyril Dion and Mélanie Laurent, the film was shot in 10 countries.


How did the world turn into what it is today? Author Yuval Noah Harari explains the history behind our species and unravels the myths and stories that form our society's backbone.


Wait but why?

This blog offers a hassle-free way of understanding everything. The articles dissect the key questions about humanity using drawings and metaphors. It makes for a funny, easy-going and engrossing read.

Read the blog